Sunday, July 31, 2011

Spazz Sketch #18

Yes, just a little doodle from a Sushi restaurant that me and Havoc went to.

Me: What should I draw?
Havoc: Farts.
Me: :I ... -draws-


...For someone so pure

Idunno...I wish my relatives would go away. I can't handle anymore of these stupid cousins of mine. They're so rude and so fucking loud.
So here, have some demonic shit.


Saturday, July 30, 2011


That almost killed me. LOOOL I almost died choking on rootbeer and Spazz was like rofling until she realized I was choking LOL


Spazz Sketch #17

So I've finally started SCANNING my pictures instead of taking a low-quality picture with my phone. 8D!
It's Seymour ;u; I miss him.


Spazz Sketch #16

So today's sketch has two parts.
The first is a reply to Smokey's daily sketch.

And second is just an idea I've been working on, an alternate energy/chi-based form for Spazz.

Set fire to the rain...

Let it burn.
Uuuugh I'm so confused.


Friday, July 29, 2011

LOL Crushin' on people isn't always a good thing. FUCK YOU EMOTIONS LOOOL.


Spazz Sketch #15

Today's sketch is TIGER THEMED!
And yes, the tiger in the lower right hand corner is a character belonging to my friend Ezra :0


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Spazz Sketch #14

Nope! It counts! It doesn't matter that it's past midnight!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Spazz Sketch #12-13

I'm sorry D:
Here, have two sketches.
And the colored version of one of the sketches.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aloe Vera Smokelet

LOOOOL For Spazz, since she is supah sun-burned XD


Spazz Sketch #9-10

Hey sorry about the lack-of-sketch yesterday, I had a sketch ready to upload and then I fell asleep... super early...
Here's yesterday's sketch along with today's sketch.
Also, both drawings are references to my two favorite games; WoW and Portal.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Smokey Doodle Dump

Lots of Smokey doodles because I woke up really late yesterday and ended up not being able to complete a sketch. / FOR SHAME
This should make up for it though eve


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Spazz Sketch #8

A day at the beach perhaps?
Or maybe just lounging at the pool?

Either way, Spazz takes every opportunity to make herself look provocative with a lollipop and swimsuit.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I stay up all night only to wake up a few hours later..

Does anyone else ever have this happen LOL?
Also this sketch I will be finishing because I love how it turned out.

Spazz Sketch #7

Havoc's character, he challenged me to draw him so I did :3


Tuesday, July 19, 2011


LOOOOOOOOOOL This is a true story.
I also accepted her challenge and drew this.


Spazz Sketch #6

Kind of more than a sketch but it's all I have >w<


Monday, July 18, 2011

Smokey doodles ahoy~!

Sketch doodles ahoy~ A lot of Smokeys because I was late with my sketch today LOL. Should be on time tomorrow though. : D

Spazz Sketch #5

Yaaaaayyyyyy Charcoal :3


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Christie x Spring

A rather scribbly sketch, sorry 'bout that ;< I can't really draw for some reason today but than this lil' thought of Christie and Spring came into my head so I decided to illustrate it.

Spazz Sketch #4

LOOOOL charcoal drawings.
The hedgehog's name is Charcoal.
Uhm yes, so, Havoc gave me a little plush hedgehog toy >.<
And uh
I love it.
It makes noises.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spazz Sketch #3

This is what happens.

Yay daily sketch owo


Dissy Potter

Oh hey it's Dissy Potter LOL. One of the hero girls and also completing my daily sketch with this. I may or may not upload more later, it all depends~

Friday, July 15, 2011

Spazz Sketch #2

Hello all, Im uploading a slightly more-developed picture today, still from my sketchbook :3 I'll be uploading more digital stuff this weekend!


The Villianesses and the Sue

Finally finished these three up, from left to right : Spudlemort, Darth Mozie, and Myu-Sue.
This is something between the Skype Sluts and I. You can expect more of these villianesses and lil' miss Myu-Sue very soon, but of course not before the Heros of this group!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spazz Sketch #1

Hey y'all, I thought I'd like to start off the blog with some actual paper-and-pen sketches! I was messing around with some perspective and foreshortening, along with Spazz's superhero form.


Also, I'm sorry that you can see a drawing on the other side of the paper, it's old and has been in my sketchbook for a long long time :c I'm drawing on the backs of pages.